Climbing stairs

4 steps to building learner participation and engagement in online learning programmes

There are two things that an online facilitator needs to be able to do really well: build user participation and drive engagement. These two things are critical to getting the most value out of collaborative online learning. Of course, they are skills required in face-to-face facilitation as well, so any facilitator, online or offline, needs to know what to do, how and why.

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Collaborative learning - step by step

By paying attention to the basic needs of your colleagues you can create powerful, collaborative learning environments. The key is to start small, build trust and step up one engagement level at the time.


How technology can make training programmes more engaging and impactful

Technology has transformed training in so many ways. In this post we are going to look at two of the biggest transformations: how technology can and does make training programmes more engaging and impactful.

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Taking facilitation skills online

Facilitation is a transferrable skill. Awareness of the differences is the first step to taking facilitation skills online. Knowing how to leverage the different mediums' strengths and mitigating their weaknesses is the second.


Facilitation in the analog vs digital worlds

This is the second in a series of blog posts on the topic of facilitation. In this post, we are looking at some of the differences between facilitation in a face to face setting and facilitation in an online setting.


Facilitation: the key skill for L&D

Facilitation means different things to different people. However, at its core should always be the root meaning of the word: to facilitate – to make something possible or easier. This post looks into the role of the facilitator and what it means to the Learning and Development profession.