Remote working is easy with Noddlepod

Overcoming remote working challenges

In the last ten years, remote working has become a more popular choice for businesses than ever before. Saving money on office space and improving their employees' enthusiasm and efficiency are just some of the reasons that working from home is the new commuting, but being cut off from the office can bring its unique challenges. Noddlepod can help to overcome these issues and make your business flourish - and here are just a few ways we can do that:

Project work

For project work, especially within a larger team, it can be a difficult task to keep all your thoughts, ideas and progress in one place. In fact, between video conferences, emails, and the odd phone call, it can be incredibly confusing! Noddlepod can be utilised as a way to keep projects on track by giving you the full run-down of a project timeline, with all the information in one place. Keeping up to date is easier too - with everyone updating their work to the same group at the same time, your project work will go twice as fast.

Sharing knowledge

Working from home can be a lonely task, and if you're the type that can both work and watch Netflix (we're jealous if you are!), then it can sometimes feel like your brain is slowly stagnating. Having the ability to share useful knowledge, the latest updates or even just something motivational with the members of your team and broader groups increases your involvement and connectivity with work colleagues, which not only keeps everyone up to date but makes sure that everyone is on the same page.

Less meetings

Meetings can be the bane of office life, and if you're not careful video conferences can become the bane of working from home. Hour-long sessions about nothing, in particular, are a favourite of many companies, but why waste an hour when a system like Noddlepod allows you to update your team without sacrificing precious work hours? Also, we're not saying you don't need to change out of your pyjamas this way - but it's a possibility now...

Knowledge is power, and at Noddlepod we can help you share that knowledge to create a more powerful team. Interested in giving us a go? Sign up today.

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