How managers can influence knowledge sharing within their business

Influencing knowledge sharing

Knowledge management is hugely important, and opens up an enormous opportunity for growth, innovation and increased profits. However, even though it may sound simple, it requires a mixture of skills and expertise to maximise its potential and overcome potential barriers.

Embracing diverse teams

One of the issues is the diversity of stakeholders and participants involved. It’s important to share information, but crucial to make sure that confidential information stays that way. Managers should think about the groups and teams they create and how best to share knowledge between them. For example, who should have access to contracts or copyrights? Thinking about privacy and setting up specific rules around who should be able to access information is critical and should be done at an early stage. The team has to act fast and make quick decisions. You should set up your knowledge sharing system based on rules and structures that can be simply adopted, regardless of the situation.

Overcome silos

Different teams and employees have different interests, and some may be more open to collaboration than others. If managers model a culture of sharing and collaboration, it will help to break down barriers in the ecosystem. Silos can limit knowledge sharing, so it’s important to make sure that people are open to sharing, whilst working within their teams. Creating a core community who have access to the information is crucial, and this team can help decide how much further the information can go.

Create a shared goal

If people feel part of a team and its culture, they will be more open to collaboration and communication. It’s important to recognise the skills and expertise of your employees and make them feel part of the business. Acknowledging the diversity of knowledge, expertise, and skills within your organisation enables you to make the most of it. A shared set of values means that regardless of objectives and responsibilities, everyone is working towards the same goal.

A carefully planned approach is crucial for successful knowledge sharing. It’s up to managers and directors to set up this approach and model it in their organisation. Their influence matters.

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